Choosing the right schooling for your child or children is a big deal, there is certainly no doubting this fact. After all, the schooling that they receive early on in life can end up having an impact on their success later on in college and even in their adult years. Getting them started off right is a must, and it is not always something that is as easy as it should be.
This is all too often the case when it comes to public schools in this country, as public schools are too often underfunded and overcrowded. For many children here in the United States, a public school education falls somewhat short, as such an education allows them to slip through the cracks, so to speak. This can be particularly common in students who are struggling in school, as well as in students who are gifted – basically, it is a risk for any student who falls outside of the average.
For many students, a private school education is likely to be be the best possible option, especially in areas of the country where the public schools are not particularly highly rated. Fortunately, the number of private schools are on the rise. At the current date, private schools in this country number over 30,000 just here in the United States alone. This means that more than five million children – very nearly five and a half million children, for that matter – who fall between the ages of kindergarten and the 12th grade are currently enrolled in various private schools all throughout our country. And private schools found all throughout the United States now make up nearly a full quarter of all schools found throughout this country, serving as much as 10% of the total student population. In the years that are to come, private schools are only likely to grow more and more popular, from the private preschool to the private high school and everything in between.
Of course, it’s important to know the exact benefits of sending your child to a private school. For one thing, they are more likely to receive more undivided attention from their teachers, as the teacher to student ratio is often much better in the typical private school location than in various public schools found throughout the country. In fact, the average student to teacher ratio in private schools is only ten students for every teacher, something that has been found in more than 35% of all private schools throughout the country. On the other hand, only around 10% of all public schools can boast this, with many a public school having much higher student to teacher ratios, higher, often, that what is necessarily good for the students who are attending that school in question.
Private schools can also often a better quality of education, especially when we take a closer look at the teachers who are providing it. After all, up to three quarters, if not more, of all of the teachers in just about any private school here in the United States will have received some sort of advanced degree. For many people, this will help to reassure them that their children are receiving a very high quality education at the private schools they are attending, under the instruction of teachers who are more than well equipped to provide that very high quality education. For many people, sending their child to private schools is more than worth it all for the education that they are set to receive at the hands of the capable teachers who work there.
Of course, providing their children with a religious education is something that is also important to a great many of parents. In fact, up to 80% of all children who attend a private school will be attending a private school that has some sort of religious affiliation and incorporates some level of religious teaching in throughout the day. For many people, this is an essential part of their child’s education, and something that is a main selling point of private schools over the public schools in the area.