Are you thinking about adding a garden shed or pool house to your property? When the weather is mellow, many of us dream of the time after work when we can kick back and relax outside. Depending on the type of property you have, adding a small structure could really change the way you enjoy the time spent in your yard.
1. Garden Sheds. The U.K. has 21 million yards with sheds, and the U.S. is close behind that number. The convenience of outdoor storage is evidently preferred; in one survey, 77% of participants agreed, especially to house older tools.
The appearance of the shed you choose will be a matter of choice. Manufactured sheds have all the materials included, but the builder has to go with the manufacturer’s garden shed design. A custom shed, if desired, gives the opportunity for a more personalized structure. The three most common building materials are metal, plastic, or wood. If you prefer, most home improvement stores can help you find a licensed professional to help you with the process, whether you decide to build it yourself or hire a contractor.
Interestingly, in some specific regions of the U.S., an Amish built shed might be an option if you would prefer a wooden shed. Amish carpenters are known for their skills with furniture and farming tools, but Amish shops that employ up to 10 employees are also able to build storage sheds as well.
2. Pool house. If you search for “pool house designs” online, it is likely you will find a plethora of images of very lovely little houses that look similar to something found in a Bond film. While beautifully done, these structures are unlikely to be a convenient option for everyone. The best pool houses provide benefits to the home owner, such as:
The proximity to the pool is more convenient than running into the main house in wet clothes. You can avoid accidents and messes by having a place for guests to change in the pool house.
Do you plan to have tables and chairs around the pool? Although outdoor furniture is made to withstand sun, wind, and rain, sometimes the weather is bad enough that those pieces should be brought inside. Store lawn furniture inside the pool house instead of cluttering up your main house.
While a big investment, adding a small structure to your yard can solve a few storage problems.