Today you achieved one of your dreams. When you signed the papers with the team of new home builders a year ago you felt nervous. Today, after closing on the finished home, you were both excited and relieved. The process was not without its challenges, but you are more than proud of the end result. To be a home owner before the age of 30 was a financial challenge, but both you and your husband know that giving up some weekend vacations and several dinners out is worth it. Making payments on a house that is yours is far better than paying expense rent fees to a property management team.
The decision to buy a home is not always an easy one, but knowing that you can invest in yourself instead of some landlord makes it a good one. By finding the right house, in a price range that you can comfortably afford, can be a life changing decision. Especially if you know that you are going to be in a community for five to ten years, the decision to purchase a home is often a very wise investment.
Home Buyers in America Are Getting Younger
In a time when many new college graduates are trying to invest in themselves, is should come as no surprise that more and more people are making buying a house a priority. And while many of these new graduates need to get a handle on their student loans first, making the decision to purchase a home shows a maturity that is not seen in many people below the age of 30. The latest research shows that Millennials made up nearly 33% of the home-buying population in the year 2017.
Newly built homes are fun. From looking at model homes for ideas about floor plans to making the final selections about wall color and kitchen appliances, a new home is full of both challenges and excitement. And while not every buyer can afford a new home, the chance to work with new home builders can help you make sure that you get to make the choices about how your home will look. Knowing that all of the appliances in a home are new and that you do not need to worry about rough repair and the other responsibilities of a new home can be a real comfort to a first time home buyer.
An estimated 1,257,000 new homes were built in April of 2018, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Are you one of the lucky buyers who made a purchase from one of the new home builders?