I had a hard time getting any rest. My mind and body was quite restless and I sought out all kinds of holistic methods to address this problem. I tired everything short of medication and that journey let me to inquire about adjustable beds. According to the National Sleep Foundation, an adjustable beds can relieve pressure on areas in the body that making sleeping less than comfortable. With a strict budget in mind, I shopped for all types of adjustable beds.
Back pain was the biggest culprit keeping me up at night. My doctor told me that back pain, especially if chronic, is indicative of poor health. After learning this, it become imperative to address the root cause, which I presumed to be my sleep situation. Adjustable bed options are wide, from super film to pillow soft, which was attractive. My biggest concern was investing in an adjustable mattress only to find that it would not fit my needs. However, it seemed, adjustable beds could change to accommodate a myriad of preferences.
Sleeping on my flat mattress just got so hard that I made the plunge – I got an adjustable bed. Not all of my life’s problems are solved but a big chunk of them are thanks to my new mattress. My back pain is far less. My sleep is much better. I’m happier at work and might just get a raise. That would mean that this bed has essentially paid for itself.
If I had known that an adjustable bed would make things so much easier, I would have done it much sooner. If you have sleep issues that step from body discomfort, an adjustable bed may be the perfect thing for you. Be sure to check in with your sales rep about height, firmness options and special financing that may be available and get ready for some great sleep!