Adoption is a beautiful miracle and a wonderful choice for many families. However, the process of adopting a child is a long and complicated one. There are hoops a couple or individual must jump through before they are eligible to adopt a child. This whole process can take years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. But for many families, it’s a no-brainer.
If you’re considering adoption services as a means of growing your family, you may be wondering about the difference between local and national adoption agencies. What are the benefits of each? And which is the right choice for you? There are many things to consider.
Many folks opt for a local adoption agency for the sake of accessibility and convenience. Working with a local agency allows you to meet with your social worker directly and to communicate in person. Many people find this invaluable.
Working with a local adoption agency as opposed to a national organization will also mean that your child will likely come from the same state or region in which you live. This is very beneficial for open adoptions or for anyone who wishes to have the child’s birth family involved in the child’s upbringing in any way.
Obviously, adoption is a major decision that takes countless hours of thought and consideration. Start meeting with some local and national agencies to get a feel for both kinds of organizations before you begin deciding which route you’ll take.