If your child is reaching an age where they will begin school shortly, consider the top private schools in your area. There are many advantages of private school and the top private schools, be they private middle schools, private elementary school and, of course, the private high school. Top private schools in your area can even extend to preschool, and can give you the ability to give your child the best start possible in life. The advantages of private schools are many, and are certainly something to take into serious consideration when your child reaches the age to attend such top private schools.
And top private schools in the United States are becoming more and more common all throughout the country, making your selection of top private schools greater than ever before. In fact, as many as one quarter (twenty five percent in total) of all schools currently in use in the United States are private schools, and many are top private schools. To add to this, more than two and half million young students were enrolled in private elementary school programs alone throughout the year of 2016. In the two years that have passed since, this number has only continued to climb and increase.
Top private schools are often more ideal than public schools because of the opportunity of community involvement and engagement that they offer, which allows them to foster and incredibly positive and very supportive learning environment. In fact, when surveyed, only less than five percent of private school teachers and educators noted problems with parent involvement as well as with student engagement. Unfortunately, however, it’s often a very different story for public school teachers and the students that they serve, as well as the wider communities as a whole. This can be seen by the data that shows that more than twenty percent of all teachers that work in a public school setting have seen considerable problems with student apathy and a lack of overall student engagement. A similar percentage of public school teachers – around twenty four percent, to be more exact – also report a lack of parent engagement, which, in turn, makes it more difficult for students to engage and for teachers to engage with their students in the classroom as well as outside of it.
Top private schools are also ideal if you have a high school student that you are looking to prepare for college, something that does not always happen if a child attends a public school instead of a private one, as unfortunate as this may be. In fact, when it comes to college, it is hugely important that high school students receive enough guidance and discussion when it comes to their future plans. In the top private schools in the United States, this happens in abundance, with private school guidance counselors spending more than half of all of their time (as much as fifty five percent of it) on college counseling. On the other hand, guidance counselors who work in public schools are typically only able to spend around twenty two percent of their total time on total counseling.
The focus on college preparedness can also be seen in the difference between average test scores between top private schools and the general public school, particularly when you look at the commonly taken college entrance exam, the SAT. For the top private schools, the average SAT score is at least 1234. Unfortunately for public schools, the average public school SAT score is much lower, at just above 1000, with many kids scoring even lower than that. If you send your child to one of the top private schools, this allows them to have access to a far better education than what they might be exposed to in a public school setting, many of which lack in funding and the ability to provide as rounded an education as children, particularly those who are in high school and preparing for college level courses in their imminent future, need.