Making a sterile space like a college dorm room look like your own can be a challenge, but with the help of affordable tub chair slipcovers and other options some college students find themselves living in comfortable and customized spaces. In fact, some of these spaces look so much like home that the college residents do not make the trip home very often. From the sectional couch covers that can transform a school provided piece of furniture to a unique addition to any space. Taking the time to do your research and find the kind of tub chair slipcover or other option that will help you change the look of the furniture that is provided can help create the most unique kinds of spaces.
Whether you are looking at sleeper sofa slipcovers for your home or affordable seat cover options for a dorm space, there are a growing number of options. Ordering these items online can be a challenge, but the fact of the matter is there are very few that are available in stores. The result is that manufacturers try to offer products that are as versatile as possible.
Finding the Right Slipcovers Can Help You Transform Many Spaces
Buying a whole new set of furniture is not always a budgetary option for everyone, so many people look at furniture covers as an alternative. Far more affordable than buying new pieces can help you create a new look without having to spend a fortune on new furniture.
Consider these facts and figures about the furniture and upholstery fabric industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- In the year 2015, furniture and home furnishings stores generated about $106.78 billion worth of sales.
- The reason for investing in high quality slipcovers is that tightly woven fabric keeps its shape and repels both dirt and stains.
- Forecast furniture sales in the U.S. will continue to grow in the next five years and reach $122 billion by 2020, according to the online furniture industry news source Furniture Today.
- Synthetic suede resists both water damage and stains.
- Nearly 36% of people who purchase sofas indicate that they expect to keep a newly purchased sofa for five to nine years, and 28% intend to keep it for 15 years or more.
- 91% of people who buy sofas indicate that quality and durability are very important when they make a purchase.
College students are preparing to come home for the holidays in the next few weeks, but many of them have created such a great space for themselves in the dorm that they will soon also be looking forward to getting back to their own home away from home. Tub chair slipcovers are just one of the things that can add both color and character to any space.