If your job is requiring you to relocate more than 50 miles away from home, hire long distance moving companies. By relocating so far away your moving expenses may qualify as tax deductions. But also ensure the moving company you choose has moving containers so you at least get to pack when you want to.
With moving containers, you get moving pods delivered from the moving company to your home. Moving companies are required by law to offer you liability coverage should anything happen to your items during the loading and transporting of them during a move, whether or not they are housed in separate moving containers. These moving storage pods are portable storage containers will be loaded onto a larger truck once moving day comes or once you have finished loading everything up. These moving containers are extremely useful and very accommodating, and are literally changing the way moving companies do business.
Aside from determining which portable storage units and moving containers to use and which companies to hire, planning successfully for the move is important. Write down things like a reminder to turn off your utilities one day after the scheduled date of your move and another reminder to turn utilities on at your new place one day before you are scheduled to arrive. Also allow each person in the household to pack a suitcase with vital items, like they would normally do for a vacation. And assess all inventory and manage it throughout the process too.