Our hormones are more important than they seem on the surface.
Uneven hormones can impact everything in your body. Your mood can take a hit after menopause, leaving you an emotional wreck at the worst possible times. Your sex drive can dip, impacting your marriage and making you question yourself. One way or another, hormones are influencing the way we act, think, and even eat. Anti aging therapy is a medical field devoted to unearthing the mystery behind hormones, offering women of all shapes and sizes avenues for better.
Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is one such route you can consider taking. Menopause, just like any other part of your life, is just another step forward.
Defining Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women
HRT can seem like a drastic measure at first. Surely there’s a diet change or exercise routine you can try out instead? When it comes to hormones, medical intervention is often the best course of action — menopause affects your entire body and can leave you in a difficult place if not checked. For women in their 50’s, hormone therapy is actually one of the safest treatments that can be done. It can be used for up to five years and isn’t associated with any risks of heart disease or high blood pressure.
The Most Common Signs Of Menopause
Not sure if you have menopause or a variation of such? Find a gynecologist in your area and set up an appointment to know for sure. The mean age for menopause in the United States is 51, though some women can have it as early as their 30’s and as late as their 60’s. Women who have lived through extended periods of economic hardship or struggle with severe illness, mental or physical, are more likely to begin early menopause.
Learning About Your Perimenopause Symptoms
Alongside early on-set menopause, perimenopause can call for HRT sessions. Nine out of 10 women today will experience perimenopause, which is a period of altered menstrual cycles before menopause. This generally lasts for four to five years, though can differ in ways similar to early on-set menopause (such as personal life factors). Talk to your gynecologist about how other factors in your life, such as depression or smoking, can change your likelihood for unusual menopause. The more information they receive, the better off you are.
Figuring Out Fertility Alongside Menopause Rates
The only thing more frustrating than menopause is trying to have a child in the middle of it all. Hormone therapy will provide you the means of not just reducing your symptoms, but staying viable for a child. Infertility is able to be treated several ways these days — these include medicine, surgery, or intra-uterine insemination. Women under the age of 35 are suggested to try getting pregnant for one year before contacting their doctor. A woman who has experienced 12 months without a period is classified as being in menopause.
Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist During The First Meeting
You think you have menopause, but aren’t sure what kind or when it started. Before you consider HRT, set up an appointment with a gynecologist in your area. Bring with you as much information as possible, including your last period, mood swings, attempts to get pregnant, sleeping difficulties, or diet changes. From there you and your doctor will figure out if anti aging treatments are right for you. The causes of infertility in women may be vast, but so are your treatment options.
Get the bigger picture with a helping hand. Talk to a gynecologist about HRT and whether it’s right for you.