Real estate agents across the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida may find themselves trying to find solutions to many problems in the next months, and maybe, years. One of the top priorities, however, will be finding a place for all of the misplaced people to stay. And while some will be looking for temporary home rentals until they can repair their homes and return. Others will be seeking permanent relocation. From apartments to town homes and from simple ranch houses to large two story homes, the real estate market will be intense.
Buying a home can take a lot of energy in even the best of times. As the rush for the best properties continues in the months and years to follow, however, the very best home rentals may be very difficult to find.
Are You Looking at Home Rentals in a Town Where You Have Found a New Job
First time home buyers often find themselves even more challenged when they are looking for the right kind of property. They do not often know, however, where to even begin looking. They may be unfamiliar with school districts, close shopping options, and the home prices that they should expect. Simply looking through real estate listings, for instance, is not always the best way to find a solution. In many cases, finding a reliable and trusted real estate agent is often the best option.
Consider some of these statistics about the housing market and the home buying trends that are the most common:
- First-time buyers made up 35% of all home buyers in the year 2016.
- 66% of buyers 36 years and younger were first-time buyers.
- 14% of homebuyers chose a brand new house in the year 2016, and the remaining 86% of buyers chose previously lived-in home.
- 82% of all buyers reported they view a home purchase as a good investment in the year 2016.
- 88% of all buyers purchased their home with the help of an agent.
- $186,000 was the average home sale price for a home in the U.S. in March of 2016.
- 12 is the median number of years that most buyers say expect to live in their homes, but 18% indicate that they plan to never move.
- 88% of buyers in the year 2016 indicated that they would use their agent again, and even recommend their agent to friends, families, and coworkers.
Whether you are looking for a home because you have suffered devastating winds and rain in one of the recent hurricanes or you are moving to a new city for a job, it might be in your best interest to look for a real estate agent first.