For children in need clothing is a luxury. We don’t really think about our clothes, except when we feel like we need more, which is quite often. The farthest that will go in regards to same clothes as a luxury is to shop at discount stores. But for children in need clothing is not even something their parents can buy at discount stores. Either it has to be given to them or they go without. Most children are used to going without but it doesn’t have to be like that.
How to find the items?
The first thing that you want to do when finding clothing donations is to take a look at your closet and drawers as well as your children’s closets and dressers. Take a big box with you so that you can fold up the clothes and put them in there without second-guessing yourself later. It may be difficult to decide what to donate but a few good methods to follow for yourself are:
- If you haven’t worn it in the past six months, put it in the box.
- If you were to go shopping right now, would you buy it? If not, put it in the box.
- If it doesn’t fit, put it in the box.
- If it doesn’t match anything you own and you haven’t bought anything to go with it yet, you probably are going to; put it in the box.
You can use a similar method for going through your children’s closet although this may be a little different if you’re planning on having more children.
- If it’s too small for your children, put it in the box.
- If you have to fight your child every time you want them to wear the item, put it in the box.
- If it’s not your style but you feel guilty throwing it away because it is still in good condition, put it in the box.
What is acceptable?
Basically any kind of gently used clothing item is suitable. Nothing with rips, stains or fading should be donated unless it is supposed to be like that. Undergarments may not be excepted although some places might, it’s charity excepts different kinds of items so once you decide on a charity you can find out what is acceptable to them. Which brings us the next point?
Where to donate to?
This is a question only you can answer. There are many different charities with many different visions so you will need to do the research and find out which charity matches your beliefs and vision. Once you find the correct charity however, the process gets a lot simpler from there. This is probably the hardest step because you want to make sure that your items are going into something you believe in.
How to donate?
You can either take your items to the charitable donation center of your choice or there are charities that pick up donations at home. This can be very convenient especially if you are busy and not often home. If you leave your donations in your porch or patio they can come and get them for you whether not you were home. If you are not going to be there when they pick up the donations, don’t forget to ask them to leave a receipt as you can put this on your taxes next year.
Why donate?
Well, as mentioned it as a tax write off for you if you get the receipt. But also it’s a great way to teach yourself and your children how to care for other people, teaching your children that for children in need clothing can be the one thing that makes a difference in their lives. Your children need to understand that there was a big world out there that needs them. If everyone could think about someone else instead of their own daily problems than the world would be a better place. There would be less people in need and more people to help. You can give children in need clothing when you donate your gently used garments but not only that, you can show them that someone, somewhere cares about them and is thinking about them and wants to take care of them. Used clothes can speak so much more than you know.