While it is true that most people wait until spring to begin “spring cleaning” in their home, some of us can’t wait to get started on clearing the clutter. This is especially true for those who receive gifts at Christmas that could replace old or worn out household items. In this case, it doesn’t make any sense to hold onto the old for a few extra months.
If you can’t wait to begin your spring cleaning, there is plenty you can do to get started now. After all, there’s nothing that says that you have to wait until March or April to get going, and if you’re not ready yet, you can use this guide to prepare for your big home project. Here are three easy things you can do to get a head start on your spring cleaning:
Clean out your closets.
There’s a good chance that you have garments in your closet that you haven’t worn for some time. However, there is something you can do with them: donate clothing to charity. Gently used clothing donations not only help the needy in your community, but they also help put a stop to the 12 to 13 million tons of clothing that wind up in the landfill. If you aren’t sure how or when to give, check online for the clothing drop off locations nearest to you. Clothing drop off locations may include thrift stores, churches, schools, or even clothing donation drop boxes in retail centers.
Get rid of your old household goods.
If that blender is collecting dust, or your children have toys they no longer play with, it may be time to let them go to a better home. In addition to finding clothing drop off locations, many charity organizations will also accept household goods. These donations can range from furniture and large appliances all the way down to small kitchen appliances and electronics. Find out where to donate household items by looking online or asking your favorite charity if they will accept these goods.
Stock up on cleaning supplies.
Finally, a significant portion of spring cleaning is, of course, the bit about cleaning. Make sure to buy some decent window cleaner, furniture polish, and even bleach to tackle the big messes. You should also consider other supplies: new mops, gloves, scrub brushes, and sponges, for instance. Getting these items now and making a list of what you have to clean will help you prepare for when the time comes.
Have more questions about how you can start spring cleaning? Want more suggestions for spring cleaning projects around the house? Leave a comment below.