In a just a couple of days, it will be time to unwrap the presents, serve the holiday meal, and celebrate the holidays. After all of the gifts have been unwrapped, they will be placed into a pile to be put away later. Usually the day after Christmas, the presents are organized into their new storage place. You might have to shove them in closets or toy boxes in order to make them fit. Instead of finding additional space for the unopened gifts, make this process easier by arranging a Red Cross clothing pickup.
Go through your closets now
Most people get at least some new clothing items for Christmas. Before you have to find additional closet space for these items, go through your closet ahead of time. Place the used clothing donations into a bag and put them aside for your Red Cross clothing pickup. You will find it easier to organize new clothing gifts and you will also be helping out those in need. The American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity as ranked by private donations. It has received $687 million in just 2014 in private donations. It relies on these private donations to help out local community members.
Require children to go through toy boxes
Imagine requesting that your children go through their toy boxes with the intention of getting rid of unused toys. You are likely to be met with anger and frustration. It could even result in a fight. The holidays are the perfect time to make this request because they are awaiting new toys. Requiring them to get rid of unused toys to make room for new ones might actually go over well. Explain to them the importance of and why you donate clothing and unused toys.
Evaluate your kitchen needs
Unused clothing and toys are two of the most common donations. However, other donations are also needed. Most homes have overflowing kitchens that are filled with dishes and appliances that are rarely used. Red Cross donations go to help those in need, as well as assisting emergency care. For 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, the American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood, and shelter. Donating your unused appliances can help them raise the needed funds for these types of assistance.
Donate unused food
Holiday preparations often include a large grocery shopping trip for the holiday meal. Although many charitable organizations do not accept cooked, open, or perishable food items, you can help out the Red Cross by also purchasing non perishable items. These non perishable items, like cans of beans, corn, and fruits can help to feed those in need this holiday season. About 15% of the homeless population or 83,170 are considered chronically homeless individuals. The American Red Cross helps out people like this with food and clothing.
Volunteer your time at a local Red Cross center
If you do not have extra funds or a ton of extra Red Cross clothes donations to give, you can still help by volunteering your time at a local Red Cross center. Red Cross charities always need volunteers to sort through donated clothing. They also need people to serve holiday meals and to schedule Red Cross clothing pickups. You could even help with the actual Red Cross clothing pickup by driving the truck or loading and unloading the unused clothing donations.
The holiday season is upon us. Before you are left with organizing new toys and clothes, make sure you are donating the ones you no longer use. These donated items go a long way in helping the American Red Cross. Your donations could provide those in need with warm winter clothing and shelter.